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Interview Q&A

1)what is your reasoning behind wanting to go on mission trips?

It's what I love to do, I get joy from seeing other people light up and knowing Jesus. Which is perfect because mission trips is something we are all called to do by Jesus.

2)why did you decide to go long term?

Honest answer, I got to a point in school where I could no longer continue to go without declaring a major. And considering I had no idea what to pick, I needed something to help find myself. Between that and helping people this seemed like an obvious choice.

3) explain the trip you are about to go on(when you are leaving, some places you'll be going, things you'll be doing).

I leave September 8th for 9 months to go to Colombia (1 month), Ecuador (1 month), Thailand (2 months), Cambodia (2 months) and Albania (3 months). That's the exact order too. Things that I will be doing range from things like building houses and planting trees and other physical needs, but also evangelizing and meeting spiritual needs too

4)what are some differences between short term and long term mission trips?

The main difference for me is relationships. On a short term mission trip, you go for a week or 2 love on some people and come back. It basically allows you to put seeds in the ground but that's it. While that is not a bad thing by any means, it's simply not enough time to get to know them. To understand how to love them best. Which is what a long term mission trip does. It allows you to put seeds in the ground AND water them.

5)what training goes with a long term mission?

I'll be honest I'm in training camp as I answer this, but basically they have ministry training which teaches you how to interact with your hosts, the people you encounter and everything logistical wise. Next is intimacy with the Lord. Like getting to know him personally and talking with him. And thirdly, Community. I can imagine it's going to be on how to love on those back in the states, as mission trips don't end when you come home.

6)what is your opinion on "white savior complex"?

I think White savior complex is a real thing. Without a doubt. Many white (not just white but mostly) people go down and push the people they are trying to help out of the way and tell them "this is how you fix your life" and then they leave. Which is similar to a lot of Americans outside of mission trips as well.

7) what are some ways you think white savior complex can be solved?

Easiest answer for me. Walk along side them. You really think that they don't know how to fix their problems? Because they definitely do know how. And that's where you should come in. To meet their needs where they see it fit now. Don't walk behind or in front of them. Walk next to them.

8) what have you seen in any previous mission trips that really stuck out to you?

Easily for me is the wisdom that kids will have. Every single year a kid will do something that blows me away. Most recently, a kid who had just told me he had not eaten in 3 days, offered me to the first bite of his meal because he hears my stomach growl. It honestly took me by surprise and I cried. Which has only happened 4 times in my adult life.

9) are there any misconceptions you feel are common in long term mission trips?

I'm sure there are plenty as there are misconceptions to everything. But I haven't been on it yet so I can't really give a truthful answer. One small one though is that, the reason I'm going is because "I love to travel and I'm just using this as a platform so I don't feel bad" which simply isn't true.

10)what are some complications when going to third world countries that you have seen?

Definitely the language barrier. While Jesus transcends all barriers, it's hard to ask a kid his name if neither of us speak the same language. That and adjusting to cultures and accepting that not everyone does the same things as you.

11)what are some of your favorite things about going on mission trips?

Similar to an earlier question, I love to love on people and to get to know them. Understanding what gets them going. No better feeling than that. Secondly, as a Christian this probably should have been my first answer.. but getting to experience people learn and know who Jesus is. When you truly learn that, it changes your life for ever. It's a joy you can't shake.

12) what is something you would say to people that are skeptical/confused about the concept of mission work to inform them?

It's not for everyone. (I don't say that from my high horse) In the sense that not everyone operates that way. And that's ok. There are so many ways to help people, millions of different ways that millions of people do every day. Mine just happens to be mission.



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